So we just came off, what was it? 24 months of all the seller needed to do was put a sign in the yard,
offer showings from 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM, not clean, not declutter, not even have professional photos
done, and still get 55 offers on a Monday. I had buyers that put offers in on a property that were
$300,000 over the list price, waving everything, no mortgage, no appraisal, no home inspection, literally
giving up their firstborn, and they still didn't get it, which is insane. It's a completely different time right
We are back to normal, I would say, and it's so important that sellers take the opportunity to clean the
house, hire a great realtor that's going to market that property, and be ready to be flexible in their
showing of the property. Buyers want to be able to see properties that they can see after work on a
Monday, Saturday morning, on an open house on a Thursday night. So if you're interested in selling
today, you've got to be flexible, you got to get your house show-ready. We are done with I'm just going
to put a sign out front and the house is going to be gone in 20 minutes.